Published inThird WaveFutures Thinking & VUCA — Our approachTry explaining this picture to diplomats from the 1990s. It quickly becomes clear: the existing models are not sufficient to predict the…Apr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021
Published inThird WaveFutures Thinking in VUCA-Zeiten — Unsere HerangehensweiseEinführung in unseren Prozess für Foresight und TrendforschungApr 13, 2021Apr 13, 2021
Published inThird WaveSynthetic Media — What it is and why it’s important“Synthetic Media” functions as a collective term for media such as video, images, and audio that are manipulated or even created using…Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Published inThird WaveNetflix: Back to the Future … eh … Broadcasting 🤛🏾On Saturday, Variety reported that Netflix will be testing a broadcasting feature in France. The idea is that Netflix will serve you with…Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020
Published inThird WaveHere’s why you should stop using William Gibson‘s “The future is already here – it’s just not very…It’s wrong and I will get into it but let me give you some context first. I’m a huge William Gibson fan. Heck, we put his face on the top…Jul 4, 201915Jul 4, 201915
Published inThird WaveEine selbstbestimmte Zukunft ist möglich.Wie Deutschland und Europa ihre Handlungsfähigkeit in der Digitalisierung wiedererlangen.Dec 11, 2018Dec 11, 2018
Eine Narrative braucht das LandMein Vortrag beim Zündfunk Kongress in MünchenNov 20, 2018Nov 20, 2018
Published inThird WaveDigital Leadership CoachingWarum wir glauben, dass Coaching eine hervorragende Methode ist um ein digitales Mindset in deutsche Unternehmen zu bekommen.May 17, 2018May 17, 2018
Published inThird WaveImpressions from Milan Design Week 2018Narrative. Strategy. DesignApr 27, 2018Apr 27, 2018
Signal/Noise — CW 33/2017Signal/Noise is a weekly collection of commented articles and essays that we deem worthy of your time.Aug 21, 2017Aug 21, 2017